Grab your Koffee mug and come relax in my Lil' Korner of this big wide wonderful world . . .

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Prayer Shawls

Last week I lost a member of my "in-law" family.  The brother of my ex-husband.  As I put it, the best of the family.  I don't recall any bad memories or any hurt feelings surrounding this brother-in-law.  He was one of the "good guys".

I haven't seen his wife or any of his three boys in a while . . as the saying goes . . only at weddings and funerals.  His wife and boys made me feel so loved during this sad time in their lives . . it should have been the other way around.  I wanted to do something for his wife but didn't know what.  So I made her a prayer shawl.  A prayer shawl is made via crochet, knitting, sewing or any way to produce one that is handmade.
As you crochet the stitches, you say a prayer.  You can find several online or say whatever your heart leads you to say.  I chose to say my own.  With each row, I tried to find blessings in my knowing Jimmy.  I prayed for his wife . . each of his three boys . . his grandkids . . his neighbors . . his friends . . anyone that might be affected by his death.  I found it very meditating, relaxing and oh so spiritual.  I found myself going to a very peaceful place . . a happy place.  Words cannot describe the feelings I was having while my fingers were busy "spinning straw into gold".  A prayer shawl is given for healing . . for comfort . . for friendship . .

I chose to crochet my prayer shawl as I only had two days to make it and crocheting for me is very fast.  I searched online and found the perfect pattern.  It was a shawl done in a pineapple pattern.  The pattern directions stated to make two separate sides and then when you sewed the two sides together, the pineapple pattern, in the center back, looked like wings!  Perfect!  I chose a light blue as this is one of her favorite colors . .  Deborah Norville soft bulky yarn . . and a size L crochet hook.  I did change the pattern up a bit (I have a bad habit of doing this) because using the bulkier yarn and such a big hook.  The ends of the shawl are shaped like a cathedral window.  I wanted a fancy edging than what the pattern called for so I did a picot edge which made a small ruffle around my prayer shawl. I also included a card with a small prayer that I found online.

I am not uploading any pictures because I think it would take away the specialness of the shawl that was only meant for her.  This prayer shawl did some healing for me too as well as comfort.  The prayer shawl works on both the maker and the intended.  I will be making more . . .

The pattern I used was the Angel Wing Prayer Shawl found at and designed by Maria Merlino - I do believe she has a web site.

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